School and research projects that pique my interest and are important to current events

Tracking the Path to Democracy in South Korea
The path to democracy is not a linear path. Looking at a case study of South Korea, where democracy was in turmoil for 31 years from 1956-1987, this study focuses on the historical events leading up to each constitutional change. This paper categorized each constitutional change into positive and negative for democracy and will focus on four instances where the constitutional amendments significantly affect democratic institutions. The salient actor in the democratic transition in South Korea was mass movements. In multiple cases, mass mobilization pushed the regime to change and accept more democratic institutions due to the international attention that mass movements brought.
North Korean Ideology
Korea’s delicate ideology after a long period of bloody colonization and then constant interference by the UN and Soviet Union lead to an unmendable divide on the 38th parallel. Korea which was once a whole had become split not just by land but by ideology and regime styles. How did ideology divide the state? The overall North Korean Juche and Societ-influenced ideology push the two Koreas further away from a safe peaceful reconnection.